I am inspired by Jimmy Carter's pledge to help end sexism. I join with him in this cause.
Today, I sat quietly, meditated, prayed and reflected about sexism. My intense feeling of hatred shocked me. I had no idea I carried this heavy burden of hate for all these years. Yes, I and others have experienced sexism. It is not a female problem it is a society problem. USA Women's liberation was not just for women it was also for men. It allowed men to be involved in their children's lives. They no longer babysat their kids, rather they shared parenting with their partner. This is huge. It was considered unmanly to be emotionally engaged with your children. Can you image that now? Why hatred? All those brilliant minds of women around the globe and throughout history never being able to fully contribute with their amazing talents and gifts. To me it is a global tragedy worse than any war. How many poems, and novels were never written, how many paintings never were painted, how many research project failed because of sexism. My solution: I wrote a letter to Sexism about my feeling and burned it. Dear Sexism, I hate you and this is why. Later as I was writing, I recognized that sexist behavior was a cultural energetic truth and I was part of the culture. No more victimhood for me and no need to be defensive. I am moving forward with love. My soul does feel better. It occurs to me that if we all wrote a letter about our feelings about sexism and burned it energetically we can clear sexism quickly. Trust me, it will work, remember I am a vibrational energy whiz kid, my zone of genius. Here is the youtube link of me reading this. If you prefer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR_KbqF8QU8&feature=em
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